Intergenerational Partnership Over 55

Intergenerational Partnership Over 55

A Pan-European project aiming to improve the employability of individuals aged 55+ has been launched under the EU Erasmus+ programme and the first meeting was held in Malta.  This project will primarily address the challenges tied to this age cohort with specific focus on the financial services industry.

The Intergenerational Learning Partnership Over 55 (ILPO55) Erasmus+ project aims to focus on the management of individuals aged over 55 by providing them with tangible tools and approaches to improve their participation in the workforce. It is envisaged that eventually, ILPO55 will serve as a benchmark for other sectors.

The project seeks to support the imparting of skills and the transfer of work-based competencies from employees aged 55+ to the younger generation of employees in the industry. The benefits of adopting this approach would be the increase in employee activity and efficiency. The strategy is expected to lead to the reduction of skills mismatch and to enhance entrepreneurial behaviour, thereby resulting in better use of competencies and work experience of persons over the age of 55.

The organisations attending the ILPO55 kick-off meeting were: Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST), Effebi Association - an HR association (Italy),  Institute of Banking Education (Slovakia), Institute of Financial Services (Malta), Mediterranean Bank Network (Malta), Malta Union of Bank Employees (MUBE), NIBE-SVV - an educational institute for banking, insurance and investment sector (The Netherlands), Scienter Espana - a research, consulting and services organisations (Spain) and Uninettuno - a consortium of 43 Italian and foreign universities (Italy). ANUP-International- an organisation specialising in adult education (Romania) is part of the consortium however were excused from the kick-off meeting.

Brochure for download

Projekt ILPO 55 : Medzigeneračné vzdelávacie partnerstvo nad 55 rokov

Výstupy projektu podstatne prispejú k  trvalo udržateľnému zavádzaniu riadenia veku a medzigeneračných prístupov v SFS (Sektor finančných služieb):

1.      Zvýši sa zamestnanosť ľudí nad 55 rokov v sektore finančných služieb, ich motivácia a podnikateľské správanie

2.      Vytvorí sa konkrétny Referenčný rámec ILPO s osnovami a školiacimi programami na zvýšenie kvalifikácie

3.      Podporia sa banky a finančné inštitúcie prostredníctvom aktuálnych organizačných postupov a profilov

4.      Podporia sa spoločnosti, aby sa stali “vzdelávacími organizáciami“ prostredníctvom medzigeneračného profesijného rozvoja.

5.      Zníži sa miera nezamestnanosti ľudí nad 55 rokov  v rámci sektora finančných služieb, propagovaním spolupráce medzi zamestnávateľmi, odbormi, vysokými školami a poskytovateľmi OVP.